REACH, which stands for Rewards – Effort – Achievement – Conduct – Hardwork, is an incentive scheme that allows students to earn credits as they progress through their life at the Academy. As students earn credits they pass award thresholds where they will be given the opportunity to choose a reward from an exciting range of items.
The REACH scheme was originally created as a way of motivating students to increase their effort as well as improving their conduct towards other members of Academy community. It has quickly become very popular amongst students and continues to be improved year-on-year.
Students can earn 1 or 3 credits from tutors at any one time according to the following criteria:
- Good quality of work produced in relation to ability
- Positive, helpful or supportive behaviour towards others
- Particularly good effort in a learning session
- Outstanding quality of work produced in relation to ability
- Outstanding positive or supportive behaviour towards others
- Students can also earn 5 credits from a member of SLT for demonstrating community spirit and British values
Students can also earn up to 10 credits from the Principal for:
- Effort levels
- Termly and yearly attendance
- Exceptional achievements
As students earn credits, they progress through three award categories each with it’s own range of exciting rewards to aim for. Once a student reaches an award level their success is recognised in Gathering where they receive their personalised Certificate of Achievement, along with the reward they have chosen.
Students that have achieved something truly extraordinary will likely be nominated for an Exceptional Award. They will receive 10 credits, a personalised Certificate of Achievement and a letter will be sent home to their parent or carer informing them of their child’s achievement.
You can find out more about the REACH scheme, the award levels and the rewards available to the students by downloading the REACH scheme guide below: