Personal Development Leadership
- Ms M Corrigan – Vice Principal – Student Welfare
- Ms L Amos – Associate Assistant Principal – Personal Development
- Ms K Buttery – Deputy DSL – Mental Health Lead
Landau Forte Amington’s Wellbeing and Personal Development curriculum is designed to ensure that student mental health and wellbeing, PSHE (Physical, Social, Health Education), and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) are afforded the time and importance needed to ensure safe and healthy learning opportunities for all students. This is targeted through Personal Tutor time, assemblies, PSHE lessons and the wider curriculum.
The senior leadership team understand the importance of student and staff wellbeing and mental health, recognising the impact on both academic and personal success. Our academy believes success is built on a base of resilience, self-confidence, social and personal awareness and emotional intelligence. To support this we have invested in a dedicated mental health lead, an academy counsellor and a child and family worker to support students and families.
Our personal development and wellbeing offer is driven by a robust curriculum framework to develop students as good people, productive citizens and upstanding members of our community. Our core values of being ambitious, brave and kind are at the heart of all we do and are captured in the Amington Offer. The Amington Offer is a range of activities, experiences and interactions to develop students beyond the classroom. The Amington Offer, which is our commitment to every student, can be found below.
Every student has the opportunity to drive the direction of our academy through each tutor group which feeds into our Student Leadership Team and House Ambassador Programme. Our Student Leadership Team regularly present their ideas and planning to the Senior Leadership Team to ensure we are all working together for our community. We have wonderful students at Amington and we are proud to develop our students to prepare them for contributing to society as productive adults in the modern world beyond education.