There are 3 types of sentence: Simple; Compound and Complex
Simple Sentences
A simple sentence has a subject and a verb. There may other elements in the sentence but most importantly it will only contain one verb.
For example: The old dog barked loudly in the street.
Simple sentences are effective when they are used to add tension to descriptive writing. They can also be used to create variety in your writing. They add clarity and precision as well as simplifying complicated texts. However, they can become monotonous and repetitive if used too often.
Compound Sentences
Compound sentences are simple sentences joined together with coordinating conjunctions (‘and’ or ‘but’). Each clause in a compound sentence is a main clause as it can stand alone. Each clause in a compound sentence is of equal weighting.
For example: The dog barked and the dog whined.
Using too many compound sentences is repetitive and can be rambling.
Complex Sentences
Complex sentences contain a main clause and a subordinate clause. The main clause contains the main piece of information and the subordinate carries additional or background information. Complex sentences contain words such as: ‘although’, ‘because’, ‘in order to’ if … then …’. They may also contain relative pronouns i.e. ‘who’, ‘which’ or ‘that’. Use a comma to separate the main clause from the subordinate clause.
For example: Although he was hungry, he didn’t eat a thing.
The fields, which were covered in dew, shimmered in the sunlight.
Walking down the street, I noticed someone was following me.