Look. Cover. Write. Check.
There are a number of ways you can practice and improve your spellings. You may already be familiar with ‘Look. Cover. Write. Check’ from primary school. It is a simple and effective way to help practice your spellings.
Step One
Look at the word you are trying to spell.
- Think how you can group the letters in the word e.g. direct – ion, jump – ing
- Look at the letters you tend to get confused or muddled, think of ways you can remember their correct order
- Visualise the word in your head, how does it look?
Step Two
Cover the word up.
- Close the book, turn around, go out of the room!
Step Three
Write the word.
- Write the word out, thinking about how it looks and sounds
- Think about how it looks on the page and how it feels to write it out
Step Four
Check your spelling.
- Check whether you’ve spelt the word correctly.
- If not, you know some more work is needed.
- If you have, congratulations! Wait a few days then test yourself again, until you can spell it correctly without checking the word first!