Dear Parent/Carer
I am pleased to welcome back our wonderful students following the summer break. We arrive
back to an academy judged GOOD in all areas by Ofsted in May 2022 and with fantastic exam
results for our outgoing Year 11 students. It is a privilege to share that our students secured
massively improved GCSE results as compared with 2019, with those students achieving 4+ in
English and Maths increasing by 15% and 5+ in English and Maths improving by 11%. These
fantastic outcomes reflect the hard work and commitment of our students, teachers and support
staff. I am sure you will join me in congratulating them all.
As we continue to build on our positive relationship with our community, we would like to offer our
parents and carers to be part of our newly formed Academy Network Group. Our vision is that
parents, carers, teachers and support staff will work together for the good of the academy and
community on such events as the Amington Fete and other community focused opportunities.
I am pleased to announce the continuation of our parental drop-in sessions that were so successful
last year. These drop-in sessions are valuable as it provides the opportunity for parents, carers and
members of the community to speak directly with academy staff in order for us to work together to
make the academy the best it can be.
We are keen to once again meet with as many of you in person as possible, to continue to build
the positive relationships which will benefit all of our students. The dates of the drop-in sessions for
the coming term are available in the attached document at the top of this page.
The drop-in sessions are open door, with no need to book in advance and I look forward to
meeting with you throughout this academy year.
As always, if you would like to discuss any issue in more detail please use Edulink to contact your
child’s tutor in the first instance.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Deen