Examinations are an integral part of student learning at the Academy. Students are supported and prepared for all examinations appropriately. Our excellent reputation with the Awarding Bodies is maintained by our strict adherence to assessment processes and procedures.
Specific arrangements for students with individual needs can be put in place to ensure they can access an assessment. This will give them a level playing field in which to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and understanding
Summer Examinations 2024
Awarding bodies
For the most up-to-date examination information use the links below to check the awarding body websites:
Results day
- Year 11 (GCSE/Vocational – Levels 1 & 2) – Thursday, 22 August 2024– 09:00am – 10:30am
Examination certificates
Prior certificates
GCSE/Vocational certificates prior to the current academic year can be collected from the Academy. Please call the Academy (01827 301800) to arrange collection. These must be collected by the student and signed for. Alternatively they can be collected by a nominated person with a signed and dated note from the student.
Lost, damaged or misplaced certificates
Unfortunately, we cannot deal with requests for replacement certificates. Students must apply directly to the appropriate awarding body. Details and costs can be found on the relevant websites via these links:
Reviews of Marking
Post Results Services
JCQ Post Results Guidance
Post Results Services are provided by all the Examination Boards after issue of results. Services include:
- Clerical recheck– A re-check of all clerical procedures leading to the issue of a result. For example, checking that all parts of the script have been marked, and that the totalling and recording of marks is correct.
- Review of marking– to ensure the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly and to carry out clerical checks. It is NOT a re-marking of the script. This service is only available to externally assessed components, for example, external Examination Papers, not coursework.
You are reminded that a review of marking as well as clerical checks could result in a mark being adjusted DOWN as well as UP. - Access to scripts– Candidates are able to request access to their own scripts for general interest or to inform future learning, for example for re-sitting examinations. A request for this service must be signed and dated by the candidate.
Although the Examinations Officer can advise regarding the above services from an administrative viewpoint, it is usual for students and/or parents to contact their subject teacher or head of department for specific help and advice as to whether one or more of the services should be accessed.
You will need to consent to allow school to make an enquiry about the results for any of your examinations. In giving consent you acknowledge that you understand that your final subject grade awarded may be lower than, higher than or the same as the grade which was originally awarded.
Year 11 Prior achievements

2019 | 2020 | 2021 | National Average (2019) |
Progress 8 Score | -0.39 | -0.32* | +0.02* | -0.03 |
Attainment 8 Score Average total over 8 subjects | 38.5 | 41.1* | 47.39* | 46.7 |
Attainment 8 Score Average grade over 8 subjects | 3.9 | 4.1* | 4.7* | 4.7 |
Students achieving Grade 7+ in English and Maths | 4.6% | 7.8%* | 11.6%* | N/A |
Students achieving Grade 5+ in English and Maths | 23.8% | 28.8%* | 42.9%* | 43% |
Students achieving Grade 4+ in English and Maths | 44.4% | 55.6%* | 62.6%* | 65% |
Students entering for the English Baccalaureate | 18% | 7%* | 14%* | 40% |
Students achieving Grade 5+ in the English Baccalaureate | 3% | 5%* | 10%* | 17% |
Students staying in education or employment after KS4 | 94% | 95%* | 98%* | 94% |
* generated using Academy data
Progress 8
Progress 8 calculates how much progress students make between their results in Year 6 and their results in Year 11. It is a ‘value-added’ measure, meaning students’ results are compared to the achievements of other students with similar Year 6 results. It is called Progress 8 as it is based on the results of 8 subjects.
Attainment 8
Attainment 8 is a way of measuring how well students do in Key Stage 4. A student’s Attainment 8 score is calculated by adding up the points for their 8 subjects, with English and maths counted twice. The Academy’s Attainment 8 score is the average of all of its eligible students’ scores.
This is the percentage of students who took qualifications in English, Maths, (at least) two Sciences, a Modern Foreign Language and History or Geography.
Further information
More information for parents regarding performance measures can be found on the GOV.UK website.