The Coronavirus outbreak and lockdown has affected us all, and for some it is time for another big change in coming back to the Academy. In order to support this transition, subject areas at Amington have developed ‘Recovery Curriculum’ plans, which supports all of our students back into Academy life.
Based on the principles of Barry and Matthew Carpenter’s Recovery Curriculum (2020), these plans acknowledge the loss students will have experienced during the lockdown, whether from the loss of routines, structure, friendship, opportunities and freedom. It then plans how to help students transition back to the Academy and back to face-to-face learning. In summary, the Recovery Curriculum will:
- Identify the knowledge gaps students may have developed, through formative assessment methods
- Triage these knowledge gaps by teaching them in order of importance, beginning with core concepts
- Focus teaching on core concepts, which are the key items of knowledge that support the learning of a subject
- Re-establish the skills for learning, such as completing extended written tasks based on success criteria
- Re-establish classroom relationships, such as how to participate in classroom discussion, support the learning of peers and maintain good learning routines
- Include opportunities for social interaction, which may have been inhibited during the lockdown period.
Our curriculum plans will continue to develop in response to any central government changes and any future lockdowns. We will of course, continue to support our students through these unprecedented times and attempt to limit the impact of coronavirus on their development. For now, we are happy to have our students back at the Academy and continuing their learning journeys.